Instead of New Year's Resolutions, Do This
A different approach to a better new year - questions, words, and phrases.
On December 31st, when my daughter was only twelve, she and I snuck off to Panera Bread for one of the most magical days of my life.
I’ve never been a fan of new year’s resolutions and goal setting makes me feel uncomfortable — like I’m committed and then obligated, and then when I fall short, well, you get it.
So, hovered over bread bowls of French onion soup, my daughter and I did something so different, so cool, so fun, I’ve done it for myself every year since.
I brought a list of questions for us to answer.
The first part helped us wrap up the current year and the second part helped us see the coming year from an unusually new perspective.
We took turns asking and answering the questions.
It was fascinating to get a peek inside her thoughts and understand just how deep and thoughtful she was at such a young age.
I cherish that day.
If you’re still reeling from the past year (okay, four or five years!), you might like to try this process as well. Set aside some quiet time and give yourself the gift of being completely honest with yourself about where you’ve been and where you’re going.
The answers that emerge will help you focus on the things that matter most.
Then choose a word and a “battle cry” to represent where you’d like your focus to be for the year.
Time is our greatest resource — no matter what we do, we can’t get back the minutes that we waste on the trivial, mundane, pointless, or boring.
You owe it to yourself to let go of everything that doesn’t serve you.
Hopefully, this will help you do exactly that.
The Questions
Reflect on This Year
What are you most proud of finishing this year?
What still feels unfinished?
What was the greatest risk you took this year?
What surprised you most about the results from that risk?
What was the most profound or surprising lesson you learned?
What was your smartest decision?
What 3 compliments did someone offer that meant the most to you and what do they have in common?
Focus on The Coming Year
In the new year, how would you like to feel?
What do you plan to build by the end of the year? (This is not about what you plan to do, it’s about building something — big difference.)
What one word could be described as your “theme” for this coming year?
What phrase, tagline, or “battle cry” would complement that word or theme?
Maybe you’d like to feel energized, peaceful, excited, calm, smart, healthy, optimistic etc.
Maybe you’d like to build a business, new hobby, strong relationship with your teenager etc.
It’s been a tough year for all of us.
For me, these past few years have made it difficult to remain positive, to inspire and encourage hope, and to be a light for those who need me to lead.
I’ve spent too much time allowing the darkness of fear, frustration, anger, and resentment trample over my thoughts and goals.
But things are looking up and I have every reason to believe the best is yet to come.
Words and Battle Cries
My word for this past year was “Release.” It helped me let go of things, paperwork, and ideas that were collecting dust. It helped me let go of people that were out of alignment with my values. It helped me grieve and heal from the death of my father.
Whenever I was contemplating a decision, I looked at how it aligned with my chosen word and that gave me perspective and a way to move forward.
My word for this coming year is “Simplify.” I am excited to see where this takes me and how it will guide me throughout the year.
My tagline, as in most years, is “Take Charge!” It reminds me to use my skills, experience, and expertise to lead myself and others. It helps me step up to the plate and stop being so careful all the time, so I can continue to choose freedom over fear and inspire others to do the same.
And as I always say, “everything gets better when you take charge.”
Some of my past words have been Brave, Bold, and Finish.
Some words and battle cries I’ve heard from friends and colleagues over the years are Wholehearted, Risk, Yes, Enlightenment, Adventure, Explore, Vision, Learn, Growth, Spirituality, Have a Go, Focus on Self, See the World, & Let’s Roll.
Can you change your word and battle cry later? Of course. But start with ones that feel right for now and see how it goes.
Your word and battle cry should energize you — pick something that means the most to you!
Post them in several locations so that you can bounce all of your thoughts, actions, and behaviors off of them. This will re-center you each time you get off track and guide you toward what you truly want this year!
Wishing you a healthy, wealthy, wonderful life and a fearless and productive new year filled with more love, joy, and freedom than you can possibly stand.
Take Charge!
- Ann